Road & Railway Noise Control
H.S. Engineers Provides Noise Barriers for Road & Railway Noise Control. Sound Barrier walls are normally used to place a sound barrier between a noise source and a target population.
Sound barriers are an effective means to reduce the noise impact from sound sources affecting sound-sensitive receivers. Common sound sources include roads, highways, railways, retail and big-box developments, Mechanical & HVAC equipment, construction sites, etc. When noise becomes an issue between such sources and receivers, the use of sound barriers may be an ideal solution.
Although often overlooked, sound barriers can be an effective sound attenuation and noise reduction option. Sound barriers are most effective at mid- and high-frequencies, while low frequency sounds may require the use of longer and taller sound walls for mitigation. While the sound insertion loss of a sound barrier can be limited, it can be often optimized to provide sufficient reduction of the offensive sounds.
The height and length relationship of sound barriers is well documented. At a minimum, the sound barrier should at least block the line-of sight between the sound source and the receiver. Additionally, the sound waves that travel around the ends and over the top of the sound barrier can be significant, as well as the sound waves reflecting off of other nearby buildings and structures.
There are mainly two types of Noise Barriers:
- Absorptive Type (sound absorbent materials and possible finishes of absorptive panels)
- Reflective Type (Transparent & Non-transparent)
Sound barriers reduce the noise which enters a community from a highway by absorbing, reflecting, or forcing the sound to take a longer path over and around the barrier. Sound is energy that decreases in intensity as it travels away from its point of origin. Sound waves travel out in all directions from vehicles on the roadways. When the sound waves encounter an obstacle or barrier, some of the sound will bounce off the barrier’s surface. This is called Reflection. If the surface is porous, where there are small cavities or holes that extend into the interior of the barrier material, a portion of the sound waves will travel inside the cavities when they reach the surface. The waves will bounce around and eventually expend all their energy. This process is called Absorption.